SEL & KDJ visit EPD for SEL-700GT Presentation


August 2021 – Electronic Power Design is pleased to have had another successful lunch and learn this month. We would like to thank our friends Dominick Mason with KD Johnson, Ganga Ramesh and Bishoy Azer with SEL for a very informative presentation on the SEL-700GT and how it can be used for intertie applications. Dominick, Bishoy and Ganga skillfully demonstrated the SEL relay capabilities and functionality to several electrical and field service engineers.  These events are of great value to our engineering staff as they are provided with hands-on experience as well as great technical insight.

SEL-700GT for Intertie Applications

Application examples for SEL relays include renewable energy, emergency backup power, critical data center power, agriculture, commercial, cryptography / crypto-currency and marine power among others.  EPD has successfully utilized SEL relays in these and on many other power applications.  From low voltage distribution, paralleling switchgear, medium voltage applications and more, the relay protection flexibility along with the ease of use make the SEL lineup a go-to option.

EPD’s application expertise and in-depth power quality know-how are what keep customers coming back time and time again.  If you have a complex power application, please reach out to one of our power experts to learn how EPD may craft a solution for your system needs.

Once more, we at EPD would like to extend a warm thank you to KDJ and SEL for meeting with us this month. Learn more about our power and control systems here.